Get in touch

Contact details

Address: 98 Edward Street, Perth WA 6000
Telephone: 08 9328 1751

Please note we provide services to people living in Western Australia. The geographic catchment area we provide services to is detailed on our services page.

Check that you are in our geographic catchment area before making contact. If you do not live in Western Australia find your local welfare rights advocate by visiting the Economic Justice Australia website at:

Accessibility contacts

If you are deaf, or have a hearing impairment or speech impairment contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS):

  • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 0448 108 528
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 than ask for 0448 108 528
  • Internet Relay users connect to National Relay Service at and then ask for 0448 108 528

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