Our Services

Assistance provided free of cost

We can provide independent advice, information, referral and ongoing casework assistance including representation and advocacy if you have a:

  • Centrelink issue;
  • Family Assistance Office issue;
  • Residential Tenancy issue (including private and public housing)**; or
  • Social Security Prosecution issue.

Priority for assistance is directed to those who live within our catchment area and who may not be able to pursue their matter without help. The service does not provide ongoing casework assistance in matters which do not have legal merit.

** The service does not provide assistance to landlords or in tenant against tenant disputes.

Our catchment areas

These are the geographic areas in which Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service (WA) provide support.

Centrelink and Family Assistance

The service provides this assistance in relation to Centrelink and Family Assistance matters to those in the geographic catchment area north of the Swan River to the top of the state of Western Australia and across to the South Australian/Northern Territory border.

Tenancy Assistance

The service provides Tenancy assistance to tenants in the geographic catchment area in the lower North Zone of Perth which incorporates the Local Government Area (LGAs) of City of Perth, Mosman Park, Cottesloe, Peppermint Grove, Claremont, Nedlands, Subiaco, Vincent, Wembley, Wembley Downs, Mount Lawley, Cambridge, Glendalough, Bayswater, Coolbinia, Menora and Scarborough.

Social Security Prosecution Assistance

The service provides Social Security Prosecution assistance across Western Australia.
