Who we are

Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service (WA) is a not for profit community legal centre that provides independent advice, information, referral, representation and advocacy in relation to Centrelink, Family Assistance, Tenancy and Social Security prosecution matters.

The service is based in Perth and provides its services in a geographic catchment area within the state of Western Australia. There is no charge for our services.

Our Board of Management

Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service (WA) is governed by a Board of Management drawn from the membership of the TLC Emergency Welfare Foundation of Western Australia (Inc.). Current Board members are from the legal and community sectors of Western Australia. The Board is elected annually by the membership of the TLC Emergency Welfare Foundation of Western Australia (Inc.) at its Annual General Meeting in October each year.

The Board meets regularly to oversee the Service’s operations, and provide strategic guidance and effective oversight of management.

The Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service current Board members are:

  • Dan Hill (Chairperson)
  • Rachel Eaton (Deputy Chairperson)
  • Anastasia Phylactou (Treasurer)
  • Mark Elliott (Secretary)
  • Sally Fox
  • Luke Edmonds
  • Rohini Thomas
  • Darcy Gunning

What guides our work

Our Vision

A just and compassionate society.

Our Mission

Eliminating disadvantage by assisting people to realise their rights to income and housing.

Our Values

We are committed to:

  • Client focused ethical practice;
  • Social justice and human rights principles;
  • Empowering people;
  • Collaboration and community engagement; and
  • Innovation and creativity.

Our funding

The service is funded by a variety of sources. Current funders include Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department, State Attorney General’s Department, Department of Justice, Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Public Purposes Trust, Piddington Society, Lotterywest, Memberships and Donations.

Our annual reports